Wesley College, Colombo

Wesley College, Colombo
Motto Ora Et labora
Motto in English Pray and Labour On
Established March 2,1874
Religious affiliation Methodist Church
Principal Dr.Shanti Mclleland (2009-present)
Admin. staff 275
Students 3500
Location Colombo 09, Western, Sri Lanka
Colors Double Blue (Dark Blue and Light Blue)
Sports Cricket, Badminton, Rugby, Hockey, Football, Table Tennis, Basket Ball, Athletics
Website http://wesleycollegecolombo.net/

Wesley College, Colombo is a Methodist educational institution in Sri Lanka.

In 1858 Rev. Joseph Rippon (a great uncle of Rev. Henry Highfield) wanted to establish a superior educational institution for the Wesleyan Methodist Mission in South Ceylon. On March 2 1874 (the death anniversary of Rev. John Wesley) Wesley College was founded in the City Mission Buildings at Dam Street, Pettah Sri Lanka. Wesley’s first Principal was Rev. Samuel Wilkin and first Vice Principal, Rev. D. Henry Pereira. The Methodist institution was envisaged to be a distinctly Christian college, however it currently provides secondary education for over three thousand Sri Lankan students from diverse religious and ethnic backgrounds.

Wesley College is named after John Wesley (1703-1791), the founder of the Methodist Church . An Oxford graduate, he was an important evangelist in the history of the Christian Church.

John Wesley

Historically, Ceylon Methodism began when the first Methodist missionaries landed in Ceylon on 29 June 1814. But it was in 1813, when Dr Thomas Coke wrote those words of his, that Ceylon Methodism actually came into being -"I am now dead to Europe and alive to India. God Himself has said to me, 'Go to Ceylon'! I am as convinced of the will of God in this respect as that I breathe - so fully convinced that methinks I would rather be set naked on the coast of Ceylon without clothes and without friends, than not go there".

The Rev. Daniel Henry Pereira

Rev. D. Henry Pereira, considered to be the founder of Wesley College

In a Journey, back in time, to the environs of the dusty noisy Pettah, we go over to the Wesleyan Mission premises in Dam Street, where we find a group of children at the feet of a benign Minister, the Rev. Daniel Henry Pereira. It certainly was no place for a school but in spite of the many difficulties, no doubt inspired by the Lords invitation "suffer the little children to come up to me" This man kept his grace. Rev. Daniel Henry Pereira, born (circa) 1826 was the eldest son of the Rev. Don Daniel Pereira who started life as a young school master and taught in a school built by the Rev. Benjamin Clough. On joining the Ministry he followed deep evangelistic trends.

He was called " the apostle of Kurana - Negombo ". The Rev. Daniel Henry Pereira had a younger brother, who was Rev. Peter Bartholomeusz Pereira. Young Daniel Henry was keenly interested in teaching and at a very early age took an equally great interest in the snakes which he studied identifying their species and habits under a famous South Indian Snake Specialist who reserved no secrets as he instructed his pupil. Daniel Henry was quick to absorb the life pattern of these ophidian reptiles. In fact, in later years, he had edited a catalogue in Sinhala and had contributed to journals. He submitted papers to the Ceylon friend a journal associated with the Wesleyian Church. His contribution to these many journals gave rise to research. He was also an authority on ants in Ceylon. He had great hopes of being a Scientist but in response to his dying mothers wish, he entered the Ministry, in 1851. In addition to his knowledge of reptiles, ants, snails and slugs as a nature scientist he was also proficient in English, Sinhala and Portuguese.

His fluency and masterly use of these languages kept this congregations spellbound. He had also a knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. He had a brilliant mind displaying itself in lhe clarity of expression. Certainly he would have been on par with the Western Missionaries of evangelistic fervour. He was a pupil of the famed Oriental Scholar, the Rev. Don John Gogerley who was in charge of the Institute of Colombo which was an early "Divinity School". His interest in teaching combined with his parish work and his deep interest in natural science made him eminent. In his Parish work he served in many stations for over 25 years. Moratuwa, then a very large Parish, which he took over from the Rev. G. G. de Zilva saw him work with zest and vigour. He founded an English School at Gorakagaha in Mankada conducting cottage meetings in the homes of those Methodists whilst he resided at Rawattawatte. He contributed largely to the spiritual revival at Moratuwa. When he fell ill his work was taken over by the Rev. Robert Hardy. The school at Dam Street he conducted formed the beginning of Wesley College which was founded on the 2nd March 1874 of which he was the first ever vice Principal with the Rev. Samuel Rowse Wilkin its first Principal. (1874 -1879) who was followed by the Rev. Arthur Shipham (1880 - 1883) with whom Rev. Daniel Henry Pereira works till the latter's retirement.

The Rev. Daniel Henry Pereira's son, William H. D. Pereira, studied at Wesley. He was later an Assistant Accountant in the Colombo Port Commission. On his retirement as a Minister in 1882 he settled down in Hambantota. Though not in the best of health he visited homes and those persons who had surrendered their lives to Christ. They were greatly helped by this erudite, but simple, priest, with his life style, though plain, was rich in the -scriptures and its application. His was a life of deep prayer and faith of wide labour and concern ever with an alert mind. His old friend. Rev. Arthur Shipham who was stationed at Matara, no doubt, may have had communication with each other. The last few months of his life had been a challenge. His health was failing but his discipline and training, his deep reliance on his Saviour had increased his faith. He faced the storm yet on an even keel as he was confined to his home with restricted movement.

A large number of villagers visited him. It was on the 22nd November 1986 that death took him. His was a life that laboured and was well spent in the lords vineyard as 'answering the master's call 'come follow me'. Wesley commemorates the memory of her Founder, the Rev. Daniel Henry Pereira - annually on Founder's Day March 2. This is the most important event in the School's calendar. A three storeyed imposing building dedicated to his memory, the " D. H. Pereira Memorial Building" to accommodate the junior school was constructed during the Principalship of Dunstan Fernando No doubt the labours of the Rev. Daniel Henry Perera - servant of God - has accumulated a rich harvest of which we, in this present age, are beneficiaries and no doubt this harvest will be garnered by ages yet unborn.

By Shelton Peiris

(from the 125th Anniversary Souvenir)

College Song

"Boys of Wesley through the land,
Wesley Boys together stand
Bound by one fraternal band
Band of double blue
Wave our colours high and free
Wesley forward steadily
From victory to victory
Wesley to the fore

Past and present kindly meet
Each the other proudly greet
Hearts ne'er cool that once have beat
Neathe the double blue
And when Wesley's call shall sound
Ready aye shall all be found
In duty and in honour bound
Wesley to the fore

We'll do our best in mart or hall
We'll do our best with bat or ball
Taking cool what e'er befall
Pray and labour on
And for our dear land we'd be
Men of grit and industry
Honour bright and loyalty
Wesley to the fore

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